Christian Zander

You are important to me.
I love to work with people who share my values and want to grow with me. A new idea is born every day.
With my finger on the pulse of time, knowing current trends and topical methods, I am delivering the tools and methods for our committed employees and for our venture. I’m collecting ideas and processing them with our customers. Thus the development department as well as marketing and sales can start working. Also, I am representing the freedom manufaktur in public. I pay attention to observing our values while developing our slim set of rules.
I love being an advisor as well as a sparring partner in all fields of our business. I have a good eye for beautiful things and design. I live out my creativity and I have many ideas. I like to make them available in SSQ (FBQ – FastBadQuality).

Christian Zander

You are important to me.
I love to work with people who share my values and want to grow with me. A new idea is born every day.
With my finger on the pulse of time, knowing current trends and topical methods, I am delivering the tools and methods for our committed employees and for our venture. I’m collecting ideas and processing them with our customers. Thus the development department as well as marketing and sales can start working. Also, I am representing the freedom manufaktur in public. I pay attention to observing our values while developing our slim set of rules.
I love being an advisor as well as a sparring partner in all fields of our business. I have a good eye for beautiful things and design. I live out my creativity and I have many ideas. I like to make them available in SSQ (FBQ – FastBadQuality).
René Vierkorn

Cohesion – team spirit. Producing success with joy. Being there for each other. This is what I love.
I love making people enthusiastic about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. Whether it’s press, partner, clients or colleagues: everyone who works or deals with the freedom manufaktur is entitled feel good.
In addition, I make sure that everything runs smoothly. BackOffice, accounting, support and mentoring of people on the one hand, and marketing as well as sales organization on the other, are things I take care of. Thereby it is very important to me to ensure that our values are respected. Besides that, I keep the government authorities happy, so we can fully concentrate on our work.
My goal is for our company to prove to the world that it is possible to act humanely and appreciatively – and still be economical successful.

René Vierkorn

Cohesion – team spirit. Producing success with joy. Being there for each other. This is what I love.
I love making people enthusiastic about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. Whether it’s press, partner, clients or colleagues: everyone who works or deals with the freedom manufaktur is entitled feel good.
In addition, I make sure that everything runs smoothly. BackOffice, accounting, support and mentoring of people on the one hand, and marketing as well as sales organization on the other, are things I take care of. Thereby it is very important to me to ensure that our values are respected. Besides that, I keep the government authorities happy, so we can fully concentrate on our work.
My goal is for our company to prove to the world that it is possible to act humanely and appreciatively – and still be economical successful.
Martin Geißler

I like it when everything runs smoothly. To this end, I am always at your disposal. And I’m not just talking about technology: Human interactions are key components if you want things to work out great. What drives you? That is what I try to figure out, basing my actions on that input, making sure everyone feels better than before.
I’m in no mood to play little games or to start lying. This particularly includes small falsehoods and half-truths. If you ask me something, I’ll always give you a straightforward and honest answer, whether you like it or not.
I have a strong understanding of technical systems. I’m very good at analyzing and understanding processes and then automating them, so they keep running reliably. I always ensure that the source code is in good condition, even for projects that are not in focus right now.
I love technology and progress and I am always among the pioneers. I get a kick out of it. The slogan: “Never change a running system” doesn’t apply to me. I am changing the system all the time and that’s the reason why everything is working. When a problem arises, I solve it cleanly, making sure there will be no nasty surprises later.
You have something on your mind? Feel free to approach me and I'll help you as best I can.

Martin Geißler

I like it when everything runs smoothly. To this end, I am always at your disposal. And I’m not just talking about technology: Human interactions are key components if you want things to work out great. What drives you? That is what I try to figure out, basing my actions on that input, making sure everyone feels better than before.
I’m in no mood to play little games or to start lying. This particularly includes small falsehoods and half-truths. If you ask me something, I’ll always give you a straightforward and honest answer, whether you like it or not.
I have a strong understanding of technical systems. I’m very good at analyzing and understanding processes and then automating them, so they keep running reliably. I always ensure that the source code is in good condition, even for projects that are not in focus right now.
I love technology and progress and I am always among the pioneers. I get a kick out of it. The slogan: “Never change a running system” doesn’t apply to me. I am changing the system all the time and that’s the reason why everything is working. When a problem arises, I solve it cleanly, making sure there will be no nasty surprises later.
You have something on your mind? Feel free to approach me and I'll help you as best I can.
Philipp Meischner

I will keep growing, improving, developing personally. Trained by steady contact with our clients, I will become more and more communicative.
I deal with our client’s problems and I make them mine. Thus I can make our clients happy, satisfied and free.
I love taking care of the small things in the background.
I deal with bureaucracy, invoices and requests. As a consequence, my more experienced colleagues have more time for the big business that takes us one step further. In addition, they have more time to answer my questions and help me developing myself. All this is to reach the major goal: becoming as smart as they are – and participating in the big business in addition to the small things. That is what I do!

Philipp Meischner

I will keep growing, improving, developing personally. Trained by steady contact with our clients, I will become more and more communicative.
I deal with our client’s problems and I make them mine. Thus I can make our clients happy, satisfied and free.
I love taking care of the small things in the background.
I deal with bureaucracy, invoices and requests. As a consequence, my more experienced colleagues have more time for the big business that takes us one step further. In addition, they have more time to answer my questions and help me developing myself. All this is to reach the major goal: becoming as smart as they are – and participating in the big business in addition to the small things. That is what I do!
Florian Krockert

Stories. All kinds of stories. I write stories about our whoosh software, blog posts, small bits for our social media channels, or whatever else needs to be put in words. Narration is something I delight in very much.
I love texts that are easy to read, without any fringes or flourishes. I’m constantly fighting for accessibility, straightforwardness and clarity. Being complicated and difficult to understand usually also means being boring and tedious. And I don’t fancy that at all. Do you?
If you need someone to make complicated things easy, I encourage you to get in touch with me. I’m glad to help you out.

Florian Krockert

Stories. All kinds of stories. I write stories about our whoosh software, blog posts, small bits for our social media channels, or whatever else needs to be put in words. Narration is something I delight in very much.
I love texts that are easy to read, without any fringes or flourishes. I’m constantly fighting for accessibility, straightforwardness and clarity. Being complicated and difficult to understand usually also means being boring and tedious. And I don’t fancy that at all. Do you?
If you need someone to make complicated things easy, I encourage you to get in touch with me. I’m glad to help you out.
Pflanziska Freiheit

...a white wine or a red wine. Rosé works too. Sometimes a beer. But preferably a decent schnapps or a good liqueur. For festive occasions some sparkling wine. And a cocktail or two on the weekends.
That's what I need for my work as a photosynthesis- and social-media-officer. I also provide customer support. So if you have a problem, write me at and I'll see if I have had enough to answer you.

Pflanziska Freiheit

...a white wine or a red wine. Rosé works too. Sometimes a beer. But preferably a decent schnapps or a good liqueur. For festive occasions some sparkling wine. And a cocktail or two on the weekends.
That's what I need for my work as a photosynthesis- and social-media-officer. I also provide customer support. So if you have a problem, write me at and I'll see if I have had enough to answer you.